Saturday, August 3, 2013

13 things you don't want to say to people like us!

I saw this on Facebook the other day and thought hmmm...yep that's me and I get so tired of it...
From Fibro TV

I think this applies to anyone with any type of debilitating chronic disorder.  I was so depressed when I had my first major flare up of the chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia and heard this crap from coworkers, family, and friends.  I went to see my doctor cause I was rapidly approaching a decision in my life and Dr. Merrill apologized to me telling me that he and his partners had grievously misdiagnosed me for over 10 years or better.  I had heard him arguing in the hall trying to get the nurse to come tell me what he had decided to diagnose me with and then he came in and told me I had CFS, Fibro, and some other disorders.  He told me it was no wonder I was majorly depressed but it was the disorders causing the depression not the other way around.  Needless to say having a doctor, husband, and family that understand and support you makes a big difference in life.

Another meme from Fibro Colors....Share them with others...



CraftygasheadZo said...

So very true and how many of us have had to go year without diagnosis or in my case everything being blamed on my back condition. But yes supportive GP's who aren't afraid to make a diagnosis helps. I've never suffered with the horrible depressive symptoms and that too has been my downfall, I get the 'You are always smiling and bubbly, you can't be in too much pain' thrown at me. So I guess we can't win. All we can do is take each day as it comes and do what our body needs us to do. Take care my friend. Zo xx

Denise Price said...

Hi, I am following your craft blog, and now I'm following this blog, too. I have ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune disorder, and I really struggle with how to explain to people what it's like to live with an autoimmune disorder. I am hoping that reading your blog might give me some good ideas.

Also, my husband and two of my good friends are gluten intolerant, so I look forward to any recipes you will share on your blog.

Take care!

Unknown said...

I stumbled across a "miracle" water machine, I had all the symptoms of fibromyalgia just wasn't diagnosed with it yet...anyway to make a long story short I tried this water everyone was raving about including a friend that had fibromyalgia and with the help of the water was cured of it in three weeks..I tried the water and slowly my symptoms are disappearing..if anyone would like anymore info please email me type of disease is caused by an over acidic body and the alkaline water detoxs your body and creates an environment that disease cannot live in..please reserch kangen water on YouTube and see the testimonials it is definitely worth a try

Unknown said...

Hey I have a quick question about your blog, could you email me when you have a chance? Thanks! -Cam

My Spinal Cord Stimulator Journey said...

I have heard many of these. Especially "it could be worse". But they don't really know how bad it is. I look fine! After 15 years of chronic back pain and multiple surgeries I believe my PM doctors just did not believe me. Now the rheumatologist I've been seeing since 2006 is confirming what he "thought" all along. Fibromyalgia. I was sickened. I have enough to deal with. A few days passed and now I know I can handle this too. I'm dealing with some painful lateral epicondylitis. I've added an OT to list of doctors. In my research I have ran across many blogs regarding Fibro and yours is one of the few I stopped to do some reading. Looking forward to reading more. Stop by and visit mine when you have a chance.
Living with H.O.P.E. Theresa

My Spinal Cord Stimulator Journey said...

sad when you don't even know your own blog address